The Trade Up Podcast
The Trade Up Podcast is your guide to understanding, navigating, and excelling in the world of a career in the trades.
Join John Finan and Lisa Brandt, co-authors of TRADE UP, as they delve into why the trades stand out as a compelling career choice for the younger generation. Uncover the various pathways leading to a successful entry into the trades and gain insights on how to thrive in this field. Tune in to hear firsthand experiences from individuals thriving in the industry.
The Trade Up Podcast
Exploring the Pathway to a Career in the Trades
On this episode of The Trade Up Podcast, John & Lisa chat about how they were inspired to write a book about how young people can find a pathway to a career in the trades.
About TRADE UP: Why buy a job when you can start a career?
Gone are the days of working an entire career - 40 hours a week for 40 years - doing the same type of work for the same company.
Today's young people want something different. They want more. They're highly educated, talented, and looking to take on new challenges every few years. But their ambitions are being squashed by massive amounts of student debt.
Trade Up explores a better way of looking at education. It lays out a strategy for young people to obtain great paying careers with variety and endless opportunities, without accumulating crippling student debt.
To learn more about the book, visit TradeUpBook.ca
For more information about the Trade Up: Why buy a job when you can start a career? book, please visit: https://tradeupbook.ca/